Dutchtown Baptist Family,

This Sunday we will be six weeks until the World Mission Offering on
December 3rd.  If you are new to DBC, our World Mission Offering is the offering we collect on the first Sunday in December. The offering is distributed in the following way: 70% to international mission, 20% state-side missions, and 10% DBC missions.
In the next six weeks I am asking you to do the following.

First, commit to memory the verse for the World Mission Offering this year; Daniel 12:3 Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever. Daniel is reminding the nation of Israel that they have great insight in their faith and knowledge of God, and they should let this shine brightly like stars leading people to righteousness in God.

Second, Pray. Pray with your family about World Missions. Pray the Gospel would be shared in every country and every language around the world. Pray for the missionaries around the world sharing the Gospel and leading many to Christ. Pray for the ministry partners we are sending the World Mission Offering to this year. 
  • The international partner is Gospel for Children in Belarus lead by Vladimir and Polina Grudz. Vladimir and Polina hold conferences to train other children ministry leaders, neighborhood outreach events in communities across Belarus, and print and distribute material for leaders training and children Bible studies.
  • Our state-side ministry partner continues to be our Hispanic church plant partnership, Iglesia Confraternidad led by Arturo Zapata and his wife Maria Elena. Confraternidad is celebrating its first year this October. Confraternidad has grown to 40 people attending worship. They currently meet on Sunday’s at 4:00pm if you would like to volunteer.
  • DBC missions in 2024 will be to continue to support Builders for Christ, an organization that helped DBC in 2004 with our upgrade and expansion. Builders for Christ is a construction ministry helping churches with building projects. DBC will also have a vision trip to San Juan Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico is still recovering from a hurricane and several earthquakes that have impacted the island over the last several years.

And finally, I am asking you in your pray time to consider what you will give to the World Mission Offering. Our goal in shining bright and bringing many to faith in Christ this year is $18,000. One of our plumb lines at DBC is Living Sufficiently, Giving Extravagantly. What does this look like for you in helping meet our World Mission Offering Goal. I am excited to see what God is going to do through the Word Mission Offering at Dutchtown Baptist Church.
Pastor, Leigh Rogers