World Mission Offering 2024
1 Chronicles 16:23-24
Sing to the LORD, all the earth; Proclaim good tidings of His salvation from day to day. Tell of His glory among the nations, His wonderful deeds among all the people.
Philippians 1:3-11 The Grudz Family – Eastern Europe
Prayer Focus
Lord, I praise You for the good work you have begun in Belarus and will complete, particularly in Vladamir and Polina and their desire to bring the gospel to their country. And how they view their situation as having the good news of the Bible and their responsibility to bring it to the nations.
Lord, Continue to show Your grace in their lives as they serve you and their country.
We pray that through the Grudz’s faithfulness their love will abound more and more in the knowledge and discernment, that with sincerity they will prove the excellent things of Christ until His return.
They will be filled with the fruit of righteousness in Christ, especially as they serve in the current political and cultural climate.
Lord, today, we thank you that you have lead us to partnering in the ministry with Vladamir and Polina
1 Kings 8:22-53 – Builders For Christ
Prayer Focus
God there is no one like you. You are faithful to keep your promises and continually show your love to us.
The heavens cannot contain Him. The building built would draw people to God in prayer, teaching, forgiveness
When there is hopelessness people would know there is a church where they can turn to God
Lost people would be drawn to God through his church.
Isaiah 6 – Dutchtown Baptist & Send Me
Prayer Focus
To confess with Isaiah that we see the Lord sitting on His throne, exalted, and his presence filling our lives.
The posture of our life would be worship and our lives would declare the Lord’s holiness.
We would confess our sins and need for God’s forgiveness.
We would see the brokenness in the world and the need for the Gospel that we would be faithful to say, Here am I, send me Lord.